Dental Implants

High-Quality Dental Implants in Aurora, CO


Stop Living With Missing Teeth

Did you know that there is a permanent tooth replacement option for your missing teeth? Dental implants are considered the “gold standard” in tooth replacement, and for good reason. Dental implants can successfully restore nearly 99 percent of the function afforded by natural, healthy teeth. Our cosmetic dentists are excited to offer such an amazing option for our patients and help you return to a higher quality of life through dental implants in Aurora, CO!

Our partnering oral surgeon or periodontist will place your dental implants using the latest dental technology and materials. Then our cosmetic dentists will use their artistry and skill to restore your dental implants in our Aurora, CO office, which allows us to maintain the highest possible standard of care. Don’t let missing teeth stop you from enjoying your life. We can help you restore your smile’s health, function, and youthful beauty with custom dental implant solutions!

Our Approach To Dental Implants Treatment

Above all else, dental implants are driven from a restorative point of view, but they also must function correctly alone and alongside existing teeth. Our cosmetic dentists have gained in-depth knowledge and training in how the teeth fit together, the components of an aligned bite, and how aesthetics fit into dental implant treatment. Along with understanding facial esthetics, we use cone beam CT technology to assist us in the restoration of dental implants. By utilizing this technology in combination with innovative dental implants systems and materials, we can give our patients the opportunity to restore any number of missing teeth to full function once again!

Components Of Functioning, Aesthetic Dental Implants Include:

  • Proportional crown size and shape
  • Blending of color and translucency
  • Fit along the gum line and with other teeth
  • Proper surgical and restorative planning
  • Use of high-quality implant materials
  • Accuracy in dental implant placement

Skilled Care Every Step Of The Way

Dr. Kristina Keturka has acquired the necessary clinical training to restore your dental implants to optimize their function and aesthetics. Our expertise in restorative dentistry enables us to offer tooth extractions, bone grafting, and cosmetic treatments—conveniently in our Aurora, CO office. Under our specialized care, you can feel confident that you truly are receiving the best and most personalized treatment available! If you are missing one or more teeth, we invite you to schedule a consultation and discover the amazing benefits of dental implants!

Scheduling a dental appointment with Dr. Keturka is easy. Just call 720-782-8639 or click here to schedule today. We look forward to serving you and establishing excellent dental health.

Dental Implants act like natural teeth, from the root to the crown. They are made of highly durable and strong materials that can resist the force of eating tough, hard, or chewy foods like meat, nuts, and raw fruits and vegetables.

Dental Implants integrate with the jaw bone, providing the same level of stimulation as that of natural tooth roots. Whenever you bite or chew, dental implants take on this pressure and help to keep the jaw bone healthy.

Dental implant crowns are created to look and feel just like natural teeth. Color, translucency, size, shape, and positioning are all considered when restoring dental implants. These artificial teeth are indistinguishable from natural teeth!