Your Dentist Says Do Away With Jaw Pain With Tmj Therapy In Aurora

It’s a warm spring day, and you’re heading out to catch a movie and do some shopping with friends. As usual, you pop in a piece of your favorite gum to chew while in the cinema when, suddenly, you’re hit by a sharp pain that radiates throughout your jaw. You’re forced to discard your gum, leaving you wondering what caused your discomfort. Your local dentist says it could be a sign that you need TMJ Therapy in Aurora. Learn what this is and how it can restore you to normal as you read on.

What Is The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)?

The TMJ is a converging point on both sides of your face where your upper and lower jaw meet. Thus, the TMJ acts somewhat like a door hinge. It’s opening and closing action are the essential movements that allow us to eat and speak correctly.

The TMJ can do more than just lower and raise, though. It also allows for the lower portion of the jaw to shift from side-to-side. The versatile movement that it allows is also what makes it more susceptible to problems.

What Is TMJ Disorder?

The disorders that arise from the TMJ area can be complex, but usually the problem will reveal itself through persistent pain around the joint and restricted movement. In some cases, the flare-up can take up to a few months to subside.

It’s important to know when you’re getting early warning signs, so that you don’t have to wait for the problem to be full-blown before you act. Here are some of the possible symptoms:

  • Pain – As mentioned earlier, pain is one of the obvious signs of TMJ disorder, but it won’t always just show in the joint. You may experience headaches, neck, back or ear aches. When these problems become more frequent, you should immediately reach out to your dentist.
  • Sounds – You may also notice clicking sounds in your jaw when it opens and closes. This is especially important to pay attention to because it won’t always cause a pain sensation. If this happens, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist in Aurora.
  • Restricted Movement – Along with clicking sounds, you may also notice limited range of motion, preventing your mouth from fully opening or going through its normal movements.

How Do I Know For Sure That I Have TMJ Disorder?

If you suspect that you have TMJ disorder, the best way to know for sure is to visit your dentist to be examined. Depending on what your local professional discovers, you’ll be provided with a minimally invasive form of therapy that will restore you to normal.

To get the help you need, reach out to your dentist to schedule an appointment today.

About the Author

For four decades, Dr. Chris Harvan has been providing expert and compassionate care. Still, he remains just as passionate about positively impacting the health and wellness of his patients today as he was when he first graduated from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Dr. Harvan practices at Southland Smiles and can be reached for more information through his website.

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