Porcelain Veneers

Premium Porcelain Veneers in Aurora, CO

Do You Have Chipped or Gapped Teeth?

A smile makeover with porcelain veneers is only as exceptional as the skill of the dentist planning and carrying out treatment. For a smile restored with porcelain veneers to be naturally aesthetic and fully functional, everything from the color and positioning of the gums to alignment of the bite and the height, width, and color of the teeth must come together in harmony and balance with the face, smile, and teeth themselves. This “golden proportion” is the foundation for all our smile makeover treatments, especially those involving porcelain veneers in the aesthetic zone. Our thorough understanding of cosmetic dentistry, the detailed components of a beautiful smile, and knowledge of the neuromuscular components create a trifecta of expertise and skill unrivaled by any dentists in the Aurora, CO area.

Our Approach to Porcelain Veneers

smile makeover must be made up of both functional and cosmetic components. If the teeth are aligned, but the gums and bone are affected by disease, the risk for failing restorations increases. Similarly, if the gums and bone are healthy, but the teeth are misaligned or damaged, these issues must be corrected for restorations to last long-term. Our dual functional-cosmetic approach ensures that all these areas are in harmony so that you can function comfortably with a smile that looks natural and attractive.

The Porcelain Veneers Process

Porcelain veneers can often be completed in two visits to our Aurora, CO office. At your first appointment, we discuss your smile concerns and goals. Then, we adjust the surface of your teeth by removing a minimal amount of enamel. This ensures that the veneers fit over your natural teeth without appearing bulky. We take an impression of your prepared teeth that our partner dental lab uses as a guide to design and mill your veneers. When they are ready, you will come back to our office to have their fit and color finalized before we bond them permanently to your teeth. In just two appointments, we can help you transform your smile, improving your self-confidence and quality of life!

Scheduling a dental appointment with Dr. Keturka is easy. Just call 720-782-8639 or click here to schedule today. We look forward to serving you and establishing excellent dental health.