Emergency Dentistry

Efficient Emergency Dentistry Services in Aurora, CO

What Counts as a Dental Emergency?

If you have severe tooth pain, visually damaged teeth or oral structures, or think your dental condition may be getting more severe, we consider this an emergency. While you are the only one who can decide if there is a dental emergency, we are here to answer any questions you may have. In dealing with a dental emergency in Aurora, CO, we first help put your mind at ease, then help you assess your condition, offer first aid and pain management tips, and schedule an appointment at our Aurora, CO office. During your visit, we will partner with you to relieve any discomfort you are experiencing and create a personalized treatment plan to repair any damage and get you back to optimal oral health.

Common Dental Emergencies

  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth or dental restorations
  • Luxated teeth (shift within socket without falling out)
  • Avulsed (knocked out) teeth or dental restorations
  • Severe toothache or lingering dental sensitivity
  • Traumatic dental injury to baby teeth

Compassionate Care When You Need It Most

During a dental emergency, your first instinct may be to panic, but we have a better solution. We are happy to provide urgent dental care services for our patients, and in most cases, we can see you on the same day you call experiencing an emergency. In addition, because we understand that a dental emergency can happen at any time, our convenient emergency line is open 24/7 for your needs. If you ever experience facial trauma, toothache, or any oral health concern you believe may require urgent care, please don’t hesitate to call our team and make an appointment at our Aurora, CO office. Even if you are not sure the situation requires urgent dental care, we still encourage you to contact us. Any dental damage will need treatment, and the sooner we get started the more likely we will be able to help you repair your smile through conservative treatment options!

Scheduling a dental appointment with Dr. Keturka is easy. Just call 720-782-8639 or click here to schedule today. We look forward to serving you and establishing excellent dental health.