Crowns & Bridges

Reliable Crowns & Bridges in Aurora, CO

dental bridge

The Problem With Problem Teeth

Damaged or missing teeth are unsightly, but did you know that they can create more functional and health issues you may not directly see? It is important that these teeth be restored to preserve their strength and to keep existing teeth healthy and aligned. This can be accomplished with dental crowns and dental bridges, two cosmetic dentistry treatments that can restore function and beauty to damaged or missing teeth! With a complete, healthy smile, you can rest assured that your oral health remains on track and your natural and newly restored teeth stay beautiful and strong for years to come.

Our cosmetic dentistry team has spent decades improving smiles with dental bridges and dental crowns in Aurora, CO using advanced materials and state-of-the-art dental labs. Turn your damaged or gapped smile into one you can be proud of with our custom crown and bridge solutions!

dental crown model

Why Choose Dental Crowns Or Dental Bridges?

  • Dental crowns protect a worn or damaged tooth
  • Dental crowns restore tooth shape, size, and color
  • Dental crowns strengthen and improve function
  • Dental bridges replace a missing or extracted tooth
  • Dental bridges keep existing teeth from shifting
  • Dental bridges allow for proper biting and chewing

Understanding Dental Crowns And Bridges

Dental crowns and dental bridges have different uses, but their main goal remains the same: to restore strength and health to a damaged or missing tooth. Dental crowns are bonded to an existing tooth that has lost structure and strength due to damage or decay. Dental bridges are a series of crowns that span the gap of a missing tooth and attach to the teeth on either side (abutment teeth). In both cases, we first prepare your tooth or abutment teeth by removing enamel. This ensures that the crown will fit securely over the tooth without appearing bulky or unnatural. Next, we take impressions of the area that are sent to our partner dental lab whose technicians will create the restoration and send it back. At your final appointment, we will verify the fit and color, then bond the dental crown or bridge directly to your tooth. You will walk out of our office with a brand-new tooth!

Scheduling a dental appointment with Dr. Keturka is easy. Just call 720-782-8639 or click here to schedule today. We look forward to serving you and establishing excellent dental health.

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